Everyone knows what’s up, because it’s the first day of school and I set the tone.
Donovan’s opened his stupid mouth one too many times. He’s too much of a coward to say anything to my face, and the punk takes pleasure in harassing people when I’m not around. I’ve tried to cut him some slack, because I know he’s insecure… but now he’s done it and I’m walking down the hall toward him, past everyone at their lockers, and the silence is so heavy that I feel like I have to hold it up with my own two hands. One of the security guards moves in my direction, but Principal Blaylock holds him back.
Even Blaylock knows. It’s my time now.
A little boy wants to run with me, and I stop to tie his shoelaces so he won’t trip. I pat him on the back and toss him an autographed copy of Night Man: Under Pressure, Underground. First edition. Hands trembling, he slips it into a plastic bag right away.
I’m getting closer now, and Donovan’s up against the wall and breathing hard.
I’m almost there. I can see the fear in his eyes.
And suddenly He bolts.
The entire school gasps as Donovan Greene scurries out of the school building, tripping over his own feet as he stumbles through the doors.
That’s right.
You better run, punk.
I stop and turn slowly, scanning the crowd that has gathered to see the great Reggie McKnight, Night Man creator, superhero simulator, triumph yet again without even lifting a finger.
Mialonie Davis, who’s been working everything she’s got to get next to me, is smiling, eyes sparkling. Justin Walker, the second coolest boy in school, starts a slow, solid clap that echoes and resonates. It’s like a movie; soon everyone joins in.
The applause is thunderous.
And they’re clapping for me.
I saved the day.
The school TV show asks if they can profile me, and I’m fine with that, as long as we feature the Green Team environmental club and the Peace Is the Word discussion circle-we are all stars at Clarke Junior School. Joe C. starts the chant of my name: “Reg-gie! Reg-gie! Reg-gie!” and I nod and smile as even Blaylock and Ms. A get into it. Ruthie starts people doing the wave.
This never gets old.
I am Reggie McKnight.
I am King of Clarke Junior School.
I am –
Comprehension Questions
1. What is the name of the superhero?
A. Justin Walker
B. Mialonie Davis
C. Reggie McKnight
A. Donovan is a bully
B. Reggie wants to be his friend
C. It a dare.
Your Thoughts
4. List any vocabulary words below.