Abdul loved to tell stories.
He told one about the high-stepping kids who collected donations in boots. Another about the teenagers who danced in subway cars. He had one about the bow-tie wearing man hawking bean pies on Broad Street and even one about the woman who sold water ice from her basement on hot summer days.
Writing these stories was hard, though. Making lowercase b face the right way was tricky. P and s too. Silent letters were downright sneaky. How could Abdul know there was an e if it never made a sound? Abdul loved straight lines like the ones his barber shaved. But Abdul’s scribbly, scratchy, scrawly letters never stayed on any line.
Comprehension Questions
1. What did Abdul love to tell?
A. Songs
B. Stories
C. Poems
2. Why was writing the stories hard?
A. Some letters were tricky
B. He couldn't read
C. He was shy
A. Some letters were tricky
B. He couldn't read
C. He was shy
Your Thoughts
3. Did you like this excerpt? Why or why not?
4. List any vocabulary words below.