Today is going to be amazing. I’ve never actually made flan before, but I know it will be great. Abuelita usually makes the flan. She promised to teach me today. Abuelita always flips the flan onto this plate. It is from Cuba, and she’s had it since forever before I was born.
Oh no.
Today is Abuelo’s birthday, and I’ve already ruined it. Maybe no one will notice? “Abuelita! Is it flan time already?!” “Si, mi nina. Let’s start. But remember, flan takes time and paciencia.”
Comprehension Questions
1. What do they use to replace the broken plate?
A. Anita's plate she made on Grandparents' Day.
B. A plate from the cupboard.
C. A paper plate.
2. How do they find the ingredients for the recipe?
A. Abuelo reads them out loud.
B. A scavenger hunt.
C. Picture book.
A. Abuelo reads them out loud.
B. A scavenger hunt.
C. Picture book.
Your Thoughts
3. Did you like this excerpt? Why or why not?
4. List any vocabulary words below.