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Acceptance is my Superpower

By: Alicia Ortego
Reading Level: 610-800L
Maturity Level: 12 and under

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To all the children of the world

This book is written for you

So you can learn to love yourself, And accept everyone around you

The world would be a boring place,

If we were all the same.

Let’s celebrate our differences, And never again feel shame.

Hi, my name is Lisa and I am  seven years old,

I’m really rather quiet and not very bold.

My hobbles include singing; I love to sing out loud, Only in my bedroom, never in a crowd!

Usually, I’m cheerful and always feeling glad,

But yesterday Lucas made me very sad.

He’s my friend from school and we usually get along,

But yesterday was different and it all went horribly wrong.

Through every single playtime and all through my classes,

He teased me and made me cry because I wear glasses.

I want to be like others,” I cried to Mum that night, She held me in her arms and squeezed me very tight.

I know you do, my little love, but let me try and explain,

If everyone were the same in the world, it really would be plain.

Comprehension Questions

1. This story is about a girl named?
A. Leslie
B. Lisa
C. Liza

2. Why did Lisa feel insecure?
A. Her freckles
B. Her hairstyle
C. Her glasses

Your Thoughts

3. Did you like this excerpt? Why or why not?


4. List any vocabulary words below.

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