When I was very little I used to watch my big brothers get ready for school. I loved to see them button up their white shirts that my mother washed every night so that the boys would have sparkling clean uniforms to wear. I couldn’t wait until I was old enough to have my own school uniform and join them every morning. I longed to be able to read and write like they did. I knew I would be good at it. Maybe I would learn so fast I would catch up to my brothers. Maybe I could get better grades than they did and win a prize at school! I was full of dreams then. Sometimes, when no one was looking, I would take a piece of paper so I could practice printing the alphabet. But paper is expensive, and my brothers needed it for their lessons, so I always had to give it back. I didn’t mind. Soon it would be my turn.
Comprehension Questions
1. What do the narrators brothers wear to school?
A. School uniforms.
B. Button-up white shirts.
C. Anything they want.
A. She takes her brothers school paper and practice printing letters.
B. She says the alphabet out loud to her brothers.
C. The narrator doesn't need to practice the alphabet, she is already a pro.
Your Thoughts
4. List any vocabulary words below.