I quickly reached up and coralled a triangle of hair hanging in my eyes. I was trying to let my hair grow all one length, but in order to keep my bangs pinned back I needed three clips on each side. Gram had taken to calling me ‘brown shaggy dog’ because of my wild mop and my predisposition to brown-ness (eyes, hair and skin). I took after the Mexican side of the family, or so I’ve been told, and even though Owen was my full-blooded brother, he took after the Oklahoma lot. He did have brown eyes like me, but with fair skin and blonde hair in a bowl haircut that Gram called a Dutch boy. Due to my coloring, Owen called me the center of a peanut butter sandwich between two pieces of white bread, meaning him and Gram.
When Owen and I first came to live with Gram, I had slipped into being silent, and my hands shook all the time. I was too young to remember what caused it all, but Gram’s practical solution was to keep my mind and hands busy. Soap carving had been Bernardo’s idea, and he said I was born to it. ….And I would sit next to him with a bar of soap and a carving tool. Gram was nervous to death about me using a knife, so Bernardo started me out with a paper clip. As I proved my worth, I graduated to a plastic knife, a butter knife and finally, a paring knife.
Comprehension Questions
1. What does this exerpt tell you about Naomi?
A. That she is trying to fit in to the norm of school life by being beautiful.
B. That she is unhappy with her situation
C. That she is descriptive in her writing.
A. She liked to bathe with a bar of soap.
B. She stayed with it long enough to work through several carving tools.
C. Gram was nervous about her carving.
Your Thoughts
4. List any vocabulary words below.