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Can Bears Ski?

By: Raymond Antrobus
Reading Level: 420L
Maturity Level: 12 and under

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Dad Bear has a hard time

waking me up in the morning.


The radiator shakes.


The bed rumbles like

a large empty tummy.


The windows

by the bed tremble.


Dad bear takes one

heavy step forward.

My eyes snap awake.

I explode out of bed!

My feet hit the ground.

“I’M UP! I’M UP!”

I put on sky-blue socks, and my orange trousers

and yellow jumper.

I like my colours


Comprehension Questions

1. What was the second thing that wakes up the main character?
A. The radiator shaking
B. The windows trembling
C. The bed rumbling

2. How does the main character finally wake up?
A. He feels his dad's heavy step
B. He wakes up on his own
C. He feels his bed shake

Your Thoughts

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4. List any vocabulary words below.

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