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Grumpy Monkey Ready Set Bananas

By: Suzanne Lang
Reading Level: 210L
Maturity Level: 12 and under

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It was the day of the big race.

Jim was excited.

He loved race day.

The animals headed to the starting line to watch the race.

Now it was quiet on Jim’s side of the jungle.

That made him happy.

Jim settled in for a nap.

He had a dream.

It was raining bananas.


Jim woke up.

Tortoise was tapping Jim on the head.

“Jim! Jim! Are you awake?” she asked

Comprehension Questions

1. What is Jim excited about?
A. Race day.
B. The jungle being quiet.
C. Being able to take a nap.

2. What does Jim do on race day?
A. Eat bananas
B. Take a nap.
C. Run in the race.

Your Thoughts

3. Did you like this excerpt? Why or why not?


4. List any vocabulary words below.

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