Who’s that shrieking through the forest?
A great big elephant.
Elephant, elephant,
don’t come shrieking.
Can’t you see that
Baby’s sleeping?
Elephant, elephant,
don’t you cry,
My baby’s sleeping right nearby.
Is everyone asleep?
Comprehension Questions
1. Who is the person asking the animals to hush?
A. Baby
B. Elephant
C. Mother
2. Why does the mother want the animals to
be quiet?
A. The animals are bothering her
B. She wants her baby to fall asleep
C. She doesn't, she likes all the noise
A. The animals are bothering her
B. She wants her baby to fall asleep
C. She doesn't, she likes all the noise
Your Thoughts
3. Did you like this excerpt? Why or why not?
4. List any vocabulary words below.