When I turn thirteen, I will have a Bar Mitzvah (bar MITZ-vah) ceremony. Bar Mitzvah is an old ritual. Before my Bar Mitzvah, I will learn to read and speak Hebrew. I will read from the Torah in front of everyone in the synagogue. This shows that I am an adult, ready to share the responsibilities of Jewish life. Then we will have a big party to
When my sister Sarah turns twelve, she will have a Bat Mitzvah (bot MITZ-vah).
My sister Rebecca is getting married soon. My father says that marriage is one of the most sacred (SAY-kred) events in Jewish life because it is a new beginning for the bride and groom. They will be married under a wedding canopy called a chupah (HUP-pah). Our rabbi will perform the wedding. At the end of the ceremony, the groom will break a glass by stepping on it, and everyone will shout “Mazel tov!” which means congratulations. Then we will celebrate with a big party.
Comprehension Questions
1. What does "Mazel tov!" mean?
A. Marriage!
B. Congratulations!
C. Celebrate!
A. Because it is a new beginning for the bride and groom
B. Because it is an event that all the family comes to
C. Because it shows that the bride and groom are now adults in the Jewish faith
Your Thoughts
4. List any vocabulary words below.