Is hard to be five.
I’m little no more.
Good old days are gone.
‘Bye one,
two three four.
It’s hard to be five. Just yelled at my brother.
my mind says to do one thing my mouth says do another.
Its hard to be five. I’ve got to keep going. My clothes can’t keep up’ cause my body keeps growin.
At five I hear NO and DON’T- I can’t win!-
when balls bowl inside at my ten juice-box pins.
I’d rather hear TRY IT and SURE. I confess.
and if dirt is involved, a very loud…. YES!
Is hard to be five.
Parents want you all clean.
But washing my face makes me crabby and mean.
It’s hard to be five.
All I want is to play.
I’m starting at school, and I don’t get a say.
School seems so scary.
School seems so strange.
I’m only five.
My whole world’s going to change.
Comprehension Questions
1. What age is the main character?
A. Five.
B. Seven.
C. Nine.
2. What does he think will change?
A. Going to a new school.
B. His whole world.
C. His friends.
A. Going to a new school.
B. His whole world.
C. His friends.
Your Thoughts
3. Did you like this excerpt? Why or why not?
4. List any vocabulary words below.