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Jigging for Halibut With Tsinii

By: Sara Florence Davidson
Reading Level: 660L
Maturity Level: 12 and under

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My tsinii always knows when the weather is right for halibut jigging. He watches the ocean, and the sky, and the winds, and when it is right, he says, “We’ll go out in the morning.”

When morning comes, we push off the beach in a dinghy that he built, and row into the inlet. We always row with the tide. Trinil sits on a board across the gunnel and rows forward in the way of the Elders. I sit facing him on the bench and row backwards, my back towards the bow of the boat.

Comprehension Questions

1. The characters are rowing on
A. a river
B. the ocean
C. a lake

2. At what time of day does this scene take place
A. morning
B. afternoon
C. evening

Your Thoughts

3. Did you like this excerpt? Why or why not?


4. List any vocabulary words below.

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