One night, as Max was leaving Granpa’s house, he reached up to give Granpa a big hug good-bye. In the sky behind Granpa appeared a big fine moon.
“Look, Granpa, the moon!”
“That ol’ moon will always shine for you… on and on!”
Granpa and Max gazed quietly at the big moon together as it embraced them in soft yellow light.
Max smiled at the moon and Granpa, then climbed into the car.
“Bye-bye, Granpa! Bye-bye, moon!”
As the car pulled away, Max kept his eyes on Granpa until he disappeared from sight, and all he saw was the moon.
Max kept his eyes on that moon, waiting for it to disappear, too.
The long ride home was swervy-curvy. This way and that, all the way. And the moon seemed to tag along.
Comprehension Questions
1. Whose house was Max leaving?
A. Granma
B. Granpa
C. Auntie
A. It seems like it's following them.
B. It seems like it has a string on it.
C. It seems like it hasn't moved.
Your Thoughts
4. List any vocabulary words below.