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NANGARIS TREES OF PEACE A True Story from Africa

By: Jeanette Winter
Reading Level: 810-1000L
Maturity Level: 12 and under

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Wangari lives under an umbrella of green trees in the shadow of Mount Kenya in Africa.

She watches the birds in the forest where she and her mother go to gather firewood for cooking.

And she helps harvest the sweet potatoes, sugar cane, and maize in the rich soil.

Wangari shines in school,

and when she grows tail, like the trees in the forest, she wins a scholarship to study in America.

Six years later, her studies over, Wangari returns to her Kenya home and sees a change What has happened? she wonders.

Where are the trees?





Comprehension Questions

1. Where does Wangari live?
A. Australia
B. Africa
C. Europe

2. Wangari goes to America to?
A. Visit family
B. Go on a vacation
C. To study

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