The city is big. Anna is small. The snow is everywhere and all around. But one night….
Anna’s sleight slips up the street.
Her face is cold. The world is dark. Mama smiles. Then-ah! The lights. The lights! Something is happening…
There’s a swell of strings, a scurry of skirts. A hiss and a hum and…
HUSH! It’s all beginning! The story unfolds. A sleeping beauty opens her eyes…
and so does Anna. Her feet wake up! Her skin prickles. There is a song, suddenly, inside her.
Now Anna cannot sleep. Or sit still even.
She can only sway, dip, and spin…
[…] The work begins. The work? The work!
Up and down and back and turn and on and on and to and fro and third position! Again! Again! Again!
Until one night, she takes the stage…
[…] All those sitting see. They stare- Anna is a bird in flight, a whim of wind and water.
Quiet feathers in a big loud world.
Anna is the swan.
Comprehension Questions
1. Where is the ballet taking place?
A. Theater
B. Garage
C. Outside
A. Practice
B. Studying math
C. Only watching ballet
Your Thoughts
4. List any vocabulary words below.