Neither of her parents had attended college, so she didn’t have much help with the application ..
My name is Wakaja haja piiwiga, which means “Beautiful Thunder Woman”. I am from the Ho-Chunk ..
Before first light came to the land, all of the animals of the forest gathered around the pond. As they ..
Many years ago, by a lake in Northern Canada, there lived a girl named Marie. She spoke French and she spoke ..
Grandfather has told me that I must have the night eyes of an owl, a nose as keen as a bear’s and ears ..
Shannon watched her grandma turn the jingles. Not many people know how to do this. “Grandma, did you dance ..
She dreamed about the jingle-dress dancers, stepping softly to the ground. She dreamed about the fancy ..
Introduction My name is Olemaun Pokiak–that’s OO-lee-mawn. Such a name probably sounds strange ..
Wild rice, which the Ojibway call mahnomin, has long been an important food for Native Americans in the Upper ..
Coyote did not know that it was Christmas Eve. He only cared that his empty stomach was growling and that ..
The aged Indian woman and her granddaughter pulled the fish they had netted onto the shore. Back and forth ..
I like telling made up stories, Misaabe thinks. Can the real ones be just as good? So, the next day, ..
“What is a residential school?” Amik asks. “Residential schools were big schools in faraway ..
Johnny was in his snow fort when his tummy began to growl. He peeked at Grandma through the kitchen doorway. ..
I often think of the feather in one way or another. I think of the Indian dancers with the feathers in their ..
“Hurry and finish your hot chocolate, Alex,” my big sister calls. She pulls on her blue parka ..
The stars overhead were resplendent When Coyote slouched out of the mall. I’m sorry you all had to see that, ..
The nun constantly gave me extra chores, “as part of my education,” she said. But though ..
Everybody in the family is excited and nervous. It is warm enough that Windy and Sharyl decide that the family ..
When spring came again, little Brown Squirrel came out of his hole and looked at himself. There were ..
After he graduated from high school, Louis went to Holy Cross College in Massachusetts on an athletic ..
A powwow is friends and family gathered together to honor the creator, Kinnehasus, Man-Never-Known-on-Earth, ..
But once during the spirit moon, the first moon of winter and of deep snow, the chilling breath of Kabibona’kan ..