“The tragedy of her life was that she was too black,” declares the narrator at the start of this powerful novel of intraracial prejudice. Emma Lou Morgan lives in a world of scorn and shame, not because her skin is black, but because it’s too black. No one among her family, teachers, and friends has a word of consolation or hope for the despised and rejected girl. With nothing to lose, eighteen-year-old Emma Lou leaves her home in Idaho, seeking love and acceptance on a journey that ultimately leads her to the legendary community of the Harlem Renaissance.
Comprehension Questions
1. What was Emma Lou's father's name?
A. Johnny Lou
B. Jim Morgan
C. Chris Young
2. Where did her grandparents settle after they left Kansas?
A. Boise, Idaho
B. Houston, Texas
C. Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
A. Boise, Idaho
B. Houston, Texas
C. Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
Your Thoughts
3. Did you like this excerpt? Why or why not?
4. List any vocabulary words below.