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The Newsy News Newsletter Nikki And Deja

By: Karen English
Reading Level: 680L
Maturity Level: 12 and under

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Nikki walks backwards, tilting her head way up to look directly at the sky.
“Don’t let me bump into anything,” she says. She puts out her arms for balance. She does this kind of daredevil walk when she is feeling especially happy, especially satisfied. Deja walks alongside, watching her. Nikki is in high spirits. She got the I Spy key chain out of Ms. Shelby’s grab bag. Everyone wanted it last time, and no one picked it. Once a month, those who have stickers straight across Ms. Shelby’s behavior chart get to reach into her grab bag, without looking, and pick out a prize. They have only ten seconds to take something out, during which time they have to furiously feel around for the prize they have their “eye” on, so to speak. The day before grab bag day, Ms. Shelby always lines up the prizes on her desk for a full minute so her students can memorize their shapes and sizes. Then she drops them back into the bag with a sly smile and a little chuckle. Almost everyone-the good kids at least had their eye on that I Spy key chain with the miniature I Spy board encased in a tiny plastic globe. Part of the globe even twists to magnify certain sections. The items to find are listed in tiny print along the bottom of the picture. You have to slide the magnifying circle over the teeny words to see what you have to “spy.” It is the neatest little gadget, Nikki thinks. Everyone thought so. Everyone reached into that canvas bag with thoughts of the I Spy key chain.
Deja hadn’t gotten it. She’d gotten the hole puncher in the shape of a mouse.

Comprehension Questions

1. Who grabbed the mouse shaped hole puncher from the grab bag?
A. Nikki
B. Deja
C. Ralph

2. What does Mrs. Shelby-Ortiz do the day the day before students get to grab a prize from the grab bag?
A. She displays them on her desk so the kids can familiarize themselves with the shape and size of each prize.
B. She takes the grab bag filled with prizes home so to keep them safe
C. She give the students numbers to see which student will get to choose a prize first

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