Baking ka’ak requires patience and teamwork. Ka’ak are
delectable, delicate,
cookies covered in powdered sugar.
But the best part is the surprise inside: fillings of finger- licking flavor.
As Teita, Zain, and Mama wait for the ingredients to mix, they drink gamar aldin. Zain savors every sip of the iced apricot juice made with a dash of orange blossom.
Teita checks on the dough to make sure it’s just right. She sings the words from one of her favorite poets, Fouad Haddad: “Oh, Eid cookies, I am your grateful taker. Please send my regards to your baker.”
On Monday, Zain brings a wrapped box of ka’ak to Ms. Bryan.
“Thank you, Zain. They smell delicious,” she says. The whole class buzzes with curiosity and excitement.
“I can help pass them out!” Sana says. Her smile reminds Zain of Teita’s warm grin.
Comprehension Questions
1. Zain made what type of cookies?
A. Crepe Cookies
B. Ka'ak Cookies
C. Monster Cookies
A. Fouad Haadad
B. Edgar Allen Poe
C. William Wordsworth
Your Thoughts
4. List any vocabulary words below.