South Darfur, Africa
September 2003-March 2004
Finally, I am twelve. Old enough to wear a toob.
As soon as I wake, Muma whispers a birthday wish.
“Blessings for all the year to come, Amira.”
My mother has been awake for hours, starting early with farm chores.
On this birthday morning bright as the sun’s first yawn, ripened wheat sways.
Its golden braids are woven with the promise of a hearty harvest.
Ya, wheat!
Our greatest crop.
Our gleaming pride, stretching tall, glinting beneath the sun’s smile.
Ya, wheat!
You will make flour, loaves, golden cake.
Ya, wheat—such abundance!
Our village glistens, greets me with a wink that shines bright on this new day.
On my new year.
Comprehension Questions
1. At 12 Amira is finally old enough to wear what?
A. A musical instrument called a tuba
B. A crown for her head
C. Sudan clothing called a toob.
A. Madre
B. Muma
C. Mum
Your Thoughts
4. List any vocabulary words below.